Olivia Sloan

Birthday: 26/09/03 House: Ryan Year: 11 Sports: Football & Futsal
What sports do you participate in?
Football and Futsal
What has been your greatest sporting achievement?
It’s between getting chosen to represent the u17 Australian Futsal team in Italy or being selected to represent NSW in the FFA National Youth Championships in Coffs Harbour 2017 & 2018.
Who is your sporting hero and why do you look up to them?
I've never always stuck to one sporting hero but the main players I look up to would be Lionel Messi, Zlatan Ibrahimovic and Alannah Kennedy due to not only their playing styles but their work rate, winning attitude and leadership.
What is your most disappointing sporting moment, and how did you get over it?
My possibly most disappointing sporting moment would be September 2018 when I strained my MCL and ACL in a Futsal match and was out for 5 months. It was both devastating towards my physical health and mental health and to overcome this injury was extremely tough as this was the most strenuous injury I had ever sustained. With the help and support from my teammates, family and physio I was able to devote all my time and effort into everyday rehabilitation and getting back out on the field as quick as I could.
What have you learnt about being a part of a John Therry team?
No matter if you have or haven’t played the particular sport before our John Therry teammates and coaches put skill behind and work together to help the individual progress and have fun.
What is your favourite pre-competition snack?
Depending on what time of the day my game is, Ill have a Up&Go for games in the morning or an acai bowl for later on.
What is your pump-up song before a race/game?
Gimme! Gimme! Gimme! (Sgt Slick’s Melbourne Recut) #banger
During a normal competitive season, go through your week of training.
Monday- Recovery e.g stretching and rolling
Tuesday- Gym Session & Squad Training
Wednesday- Day Off
Thursday- Squad Training
Friday- Gym Session & Squad Training
Saturday- Day Off
Sunday- Game Day
Why do you think sport and physical activity is so important for young people?
I 100% agree that by influencing young people to participate in a variety of sports growing up will build up common characteristics that over time, will be very prominent in the child and their lifestyle choices. Sports no matter the level teach discipline, teamwork and communication which definitely attributes to not only physical development but mental and over time can definitely element further success in future careers even if it is not sport-related.
What positive quality has participating in sport helped you develop?
Resilience in learning how to deal with constructive criticism from big coaches and learning to implement it into my game instead of brushing it off and not getting better. Confidence also is a big factor I think I display often inhabited from participating in sport. Being confident in my ability pushes me to strive and play my best even in the of toughest days.
What is the best thing about John Therry carnivals?
John Therry carnivals display such liveliness and enthusiasm throughout the different houses in both aspects of participating in the activities and also cheering on their team members on the sidelines. Yes, your friends may be in the other houses but that honestly drives the house spirits even more to beat your friends which is always amusing.
What are some words of wisdom for younger athletes at John Therry?
Succeeding in your sport is only possible if you love it. It’s as simple as that. If you love your sport there should be absolutely nothing stopping you in succeeding. Having that right mindset comes from your drive and hunger to win, use that hunger to better yourself and don't forget that “every time you're not training, someone else is getting better.”